Anti Gravity Treadmill


AlterG, Inc. is dedicated to getting people moving. Every day, AlterG®is researching, innovating and uncovering new technologies and applications of those technologies. From our exclusive, NASA-patented Differential Air Pressure unweighting technology used in our Anti-Gravity Treadmills® to the world’s first intuitive Bionic Leg, we’re delivering industry-leading innovation.

AlterG products and support are constantly being applied to shorten recovery times, reduce injury, and improve mobility for patients. At the same time, AlterG enables practitioners to develop new services and revenue streams.

Ultimately, AlterG is committed to creating and uncovering new technologies that help advance the possibilities for recovery, training and improved mobility. The Anti-Gravity Treadmills and industry-leading Bionic Legs are just the beginning.

Whether that means running a marathon or walking to the living room, our goal is to bring you products and technology to keep you healthy and on your feet.

Click here to visit the AlterG website.